Early Career Resources


When Is My Grant Due?

PDS has developed a calendar with broad deadlines for many larger funding opportunities in order to help you plan your proposal development. 

UC Davis Grantwriter's Workbook

If you are just getting started with grantsmanship, the Proposal Development Services team has developed a workbook to help! 

Early Career Funding

Targeted information about funding opportunities available to early career researchers and how to set up customized searches. Find out how to sign up for and use the powerful search engine Pivot

The PDS team has a wealth of resources to get early career faculty started with writing proposals for federal grants. If you're still looking for funding opportunities that fit your research goals, check out the Finding Funding section on the Office of Research site. The Foundation and Corporate Engagement office also has a list of funding opportunities for young investigators.

Department of Defense (DOD)

Department of Energy (DOE)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Science Foundation (NSF)