NSF CAREER Resources

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If you're looking to apply for the NSF CAREER grant, here is the place to start! We have extensive resources to support you in developing your proposal, including templates, checklists, workflow calendars, and recorded workshops. In Spring 2024, we are also offering an asynchronous Canvas NSF CAREER bootcamp to walk you through the process of preparing your NSF CAREER grant. Information about each of these resources can be found below. 

Please reach out to us if the file you are looking for is not updated for the current proposal call. We will be happy to update it for you!

About the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program CAREER award

NSF CAREER Resources

Click on the topic you're interested in to jump to that area of our NSF CAREER resources, or simply scroll down to browse! 

  • General Resources - includes checklists, calendars, introductory files, research plan information, supplemental documents, review, and budget information
  • Planning Resources - these resources include information on how to brain storm and organize your ideas when preparing your NSF CAREER proposal
  • Workshops and Bootcamp - information about our NSF CAREER Canvas bootcamp, as well as recordings of previously held NSF CAREER prep workshops on getting started, forming your education plan, and tips from previous years' winners

General Resources

Below are important guidelines for any NSF proposal, be sure to follow the copy that is relevant to when you plan to submit your application.

Important NSF Links

  • PAPPG 24-1 – The current Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide which is the master document for all NSF proposal preparations and guidelines. 
  • NSF 22-586 – The NSF CAREER solicitation which provides specific guidance for preparing a CAREER proposal (these guidelines are in addition to those specified in the PAPPG)
  • NSF 22-100 – The NSF CAREER FAQ which covers the most common questions about eligibility, proposal preparation, and more!
  • NSF CAREER Contact List – Names and contact information for key NSF CAREER personnel in each division.

Checklist & Calendar

External Education Plan Resources

There are a number of campus programs and offices that can partner with you on your education plan. Below are just a few.  

Center for Educational Effectiveness

The Center for Educational Effectiveness is also available to help you develop the education plan component of your NSF CAREER. 

Center for Community and Citizen Science

If you're interested in engaging the public in data collection for your project, the Center for Community and Citizen Science can help. 

Public Scholarship and Engagement

For education programs designed for the public or community partners, reach out to the Public Scholarship and Engagement office. 

Introductory Files

Research Plan

Supplemental Documents

Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP)

  • To develop your Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP), please visit the UC Davis Library’s highly informative Research Data Management website that will walk you through the process of developing a DMSP using the DMPTool. The California Digital Library’s DMPTool is an online tool containing templates and resources for different agencies and programs and is designed to guide you through the process of creating a DMSP that is compliant with funder requirements.


Budget-related files and information

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Planning Resources

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Workshops and Bootcamp

Information about upcoming workshops can be found in the Events section. Recordings of these events will be added as they occur. 

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