National Science Foundation (NSF) Templates

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Please reach out to us if the file you are looking for is not updated for the current proposal call. We will be happy to update it for you!

NSF Resources

General Resources

Checklists & Calendars

Introductory Files

Research Plan

Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP)

Broader Impacts Resources

General Resources

ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit

ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit

This tremendous resource contains a variety of amazing tools to help you develop and evaluate your broader impacts statements. 

Broader Impacts Project Evaluation Tool

Broader Impacts Project Evaluation Tool 

The University of Colorado Boulder has developed an interactive Broader Impacts Project Evaluation tool to help you develop a plan for assessing whether your activities were a success. 

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Resources for Early Career Researchers

Early Career Resources (CAREER)

Supports early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.

About the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program CAREER award

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EArly-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER)

The EAGER funding mechanism supports exploratory work in early stages on untested but potentially transformative research ideas or approaches that are considered “high-risk, high-reward.”

About the NSF EAGER Program

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