Articles on Grant Writing and Academia

About these articles

We curated this list of articles to provide additional resources on work-life balance, grant preparation, proposal development, and more! It is being updated all the time, so be sure to follow us on LinkedIn to keep up with our latest Tuesday Tips, shared articles, agency updates, workshops, and more!


Click on the topic you're interested in to jump to that area of our article library, or simply scroll down to browse!

  • Tuesday Tips - Twice per month, our team publishes grant writing tips to help with everything from grant readiness and brainstorming, to putting the finishing touches on a final draft. These tips can also be found in our News section.
  • Career Development - These articles are written specifically for early career faculty, but can be of use to researchers at any career stage!
  • Grant Components - Looking for advice on developing specific aspects of your grant? Here are some useful articles to help! 
  • Grantsmanship - These articles contain great advice for all grant writers! 
  • Formatting and Visuals - If you're looking for tips on specific aspects of proposal formatting, visuals and design to improve the presentation of your grant, check out these articles.
  • Work-Life Balance - Academia doesn't always make for an easy work-life balance. Here are some articles to help!
  • Writing, Editing, and Communication in Academia - These articles focus on writing and editing tips, and helping with motivation and strategies when struggling with writing in academia. 

Tuesday Tips

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Career Development

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Grant Components

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Formatting and Visuals

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Work-Life Balance

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Writing, Editing, and Communication in Academia

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