Event Date
Proposal Writing Workshop with Suad Joseph, Distinguished Research Professor
This intensive workshop teaches all the basic components for a successful research proposal. It is a course in logical argumentation, persuasion, critical writing, and winning grants. Participants are invited to submit a maximum of a ½ -1 page abstract in advance. A select number of these abstracts will be workshopped. The instructor has over 35 years of experience teaching and training on this subject and serving on the review panels of major social science foundations, in the USA and abroad. Note: The principles are the same for STEM proposals, and public policy.
The Workshop Addresses Fundamental Questions for All Proposal Writing
- What is your main question of research/problem
- What is your preliminary answer (hypothesis)
- How have others answered the question (literature review)
- What is missing in the way others have answered this question (need)
- Why answer the question/why it is important (significance of research)
- Why is your answer better--the rationale/justification (theory)
- How do you plan to go about answering the question (methodology)
- How much will it cost to answer it (budget)
- How much time will it take to answer it (timetable)
- How do you know when you answered (evaluation)
Prior to the workshop read/browse Joseph Website
Proposal Writing Resources
Links to Suad Joseph Proposal Writing webpages:
Please read:
- Tips for Proposal Writing
- Components of a Humanities/Social Science Research Proposal
Please browse:
Database of 200+ foundations for the social sciences:
Voluntary Proposal Abstracts – From a couple of those enrolled:
Write half a page, max 1-page describing your research project. Use these headings:
- What is your question
- What is your preliminary answer to the question
- How have others answered the question
- What is missing from the way others have answered the question
- Why is your answer a better answer to the question
- Why should we answer this question
If you would like to submit an abstract to be considered for feedback in the workshop, please email it to Suad Joseph at sjoseph@ucdavis.edu.