Training Grants

About Institutional Training Grants

An institutional training grant is an agreement that supports cohorts of students, postdoctoral researchers, staff, teachers and/or faculty who are selected by the institution to be a part of the training program. These programs typically provide a coordinated training program in a distinct discipline or transdisciplinary area and may offer a stipend and professional development activities to the trainees.

Typically a team of faculty trainers will apply to an agency to host such a program, and once awarded, the faculty team will select annual cohorts of trainees to participate.

Institutional training grants are different from individual fellowships, which generally provide stipends for individuals who are selected by the agency. Grad Studies has resources for grad students and postdocs interested in individual fellowships and awards.

Training Grant Support

Training Grant Support Services (TGSS) is a virtual unit linking staff in Graduate Studies and the Office of Research. This unit assists faculty to develop and prepare institutional training grant proposals. TGSS can help find funding opportunities open to specific research and training goals and offer support throughout the application process. We can also help provide materials for the renewal of an existing training grant.

Templates and Samples of typical proposal components for institutional training grants are available by contacting the Proposal Development Services team at

Training Grant Funding Opportunities

Examples of institutional training grants available from federal agencies include:

The timing, amount of funding available, and funding cycles of each of these opportunities vary by agency and program.

Many of these programs are Limited Submissions. Please review the sponsor guidelines carefully or contact for more information.

PDS Training Grant Resources

The materials below have been prepared by the PDS team. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need updated versions of these materials to prepare your proposals.

NIH Training Grant Resources

Institutional Training Grants (T series)

About the NIH Institutional Training Grants (T and D series)

Resources developed by the Training Grant Support Services team (an arm of Proposal Development Services)

NSF Training Grant Resources

NSF NRT Research Traineeship Programs

Important: This funding opportunity is a Limited Submission. Please review the sponsor guidelines carefully and contact for more information.