💡 Grant Writing Tip: Start Early!
Whether you're naturally a procrastinator or just very busy, we all have something that we put off until the last minute. When it comes to funding your research, there are many good reasons to start early – and many things you can do now to help yourself later!
#1 Start your search early
If you’re not sure what funding opportunities are out there for your field of research, or what types of opportunities are a good fit for your career stage, then start your search now! The Office of Research’s Finding Funding page includes links to funding sources, help with customizing your funding search, and a range of newsletters to keep up to date on funding opportunities in your research area. And if you’re not sure if an opportunity is right for you, be sure to reach out to us!
#2 Start your planning early
Getting a head start on proposal planning can take many forms. Attend our upcoming workshops, or view previously recorded ones, to learn more about the application process for different agencies. If you’re looking for general grantsmanship assistance, we have workshops to help with that as well!
#3 Start writing early
This one may seem obvious, but get started on the writing process as soon as possible. Writing takes time. Getting feedback and revising takes time. Ensuring that you are following all agency formatting guidelines, getting help with copyediting, and following best practices for grantsmanship take even more time. So, start writing early! Even if you find yourself staring at the dreaded blank screen, there are things you can do. Begin preparing the supplemental materials. Set up accounts on the funding agency websites. Reach out to colleagues to see if they have proposals (good and bad) that you can read. Contact your program officer. Contact us!
Bottom line
Academic life is busy. Teaching, research, students, emails, and meetings easily make for a challenging work-life balance, but add needing to fund research and that balance gets even harder to manage. Finding funding is a keystone of academic success, so carve out a little time and get started! 🏁