
💡 Grant Writing Tip: How we can help UCD Faculty! 

Amazingly, it has already been about a year since we started sharing these bi-weekly grant writing tips, and so it seems like a good time to share how the UC Davis Proposal Development Services (PDS) team helps University of California, Davis researchers apply for extramural funding! 

💡 Grant Writing Tip: Preparing to apply for NSF CAREER

As our team prepares to support University of California, Davis faculty apply for the 2025 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER, it's a good time to share what we have planned for our researchers this season!

💡 Grant Writing Tip: Additional Funding Sources

Our last tip focused on strategies for finding and vetting funding. Most often, we think of federal funders for research, but there are several other sources to support your work that you may not have considered yet!  

💡 Grant Writing Tip: Finding Funding

One of the most common questions that we get is, “Where do I find funding opportunities?”. For some, the volume of funding agencies and opportunities makes finding a specific call too overwhelming. For others, it may feel like many RFPs don’t quite fit with what you’re looking for. Either way, our team has some tips and tools to help you develop better (and hopefully easier!) strategies for finding funding.

💡 Grant Writing Tip: Determining Project Scope

Project scope—how much is too much, or not enough? A proposal deemed “too ambitious” may read as overly broad, too high-risk, or outside the skills and resources of the proposers. Alternatively, grants described as “not ambitious enough” may show limited impact or innovation. The challenge for grant writers lies in developing a competitive proposal that strikes a balance between the two. 

💡 Grant Writing Tip: Easing Reviewer Fatigue

When learning about best practices for grant writing, you will often hear that you need to ease reviewer fatigue. But what does this actually mean? Think about how you feel after reading 20 student papers. Some are great and make it easy to award points; others make it very, very challenging. Perhaps those challenging papers are so poorly organized or presented that you cannot find the key talking points. Maybe critical components are missing altogether, or the student may have tried to fill the required pages with overly complicated words and long sentences.

💡 Grant Writing Tip: Think SMART when writing objectives

When developing objective statements for your proposal, it’s important to think SMART. If you haven’t heard of SMART goal statements, the concept was originally published by George Doran in his 1981 article in Management Review. His concept provided managers with a way to “frame a statement of results to be achieved” by writing objectives that provide a clear, effective plan. The SMART framework translates very well to writing research objectives in your grant proposal.

💡 Grant Writing Tip: Reading an RFP 

There are many names for the document that informs applicants how to apply for specific funding opportunities: Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Applications (RFA), Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO), Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), and Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), are just a few. Regardless of what the agency calls it, this document will be critical to your grant writing process. 

💡 Grant Writing Tip: Funding beyond project grants

We often think about grant writing as a means to secure funding for a specific research project, but there are other types of funding that can be useful during your career, including training grants, fellowships, equipment grants, and conference grants. 

💡 Grant Writing Tip: What makes a good grant figure?

Reviewers typically do not want to read pages and pages of solid text. Visuals like graphical summaries, timelines, and flow charts can be great tools to draw a reader's attention, demonstrate your project vision, and provide a much-needed visual break in the text. If you’re thinking of creating a graphic for your next grant proposal, here are some tips to get you started.